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Mackie MDB-USB

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Mackie MDB-USB Stereo Direct Box

With the bus-powered MDB-USB Stereo DI, the days of relying on your headphone jack to get audio from a computer into analog gear are over. Combining a high-resolution audio interface with a noise and distortion-free stereo DI, MDB-USB converts your digital audio into clean, balanced, stereo output. Featuring an output level control, headphone output, and mono sum for maximum versatility. Analog outputs are dual XLR with ground lift.


  • Connect your computer directly via USB
  • High-resolution 24bit/96kHz interface
  • Balanced, low-impedance XLR outputs with Ground Lift
  • Output level control with Mono switch
  • Headphone output for easy monitoring
  • Noise-free operation
  • Powered by your computer
  • Plug and play operation, no driver required
  • Built-Like-A-TankTM construction