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Vox AC4 C1-12 CL Classic

Vox AC4 C1-12 CL Classic
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Vox AC4 C1-12 CL Classic Gitarren Combo
The new AC4C1-12 is a 4 Watt combo amplifier with a 12” speaker that carries on the VOX tradition

Among the various VOX tube amps, the AC4 has remained one of the most popular over the years, as they provide a simple and hassle free way to enjoy the rich sound of a tube driven amp.
While previous models were equipped with a 10-inch speaker, this new model features a 12-inch Celestion speaker that delivers even more robust sound levels. With diamond grille cloth and basket-weave vinyl exterior, it also carries on the classic looks of the VOX tradition. This is a Class A tube amp that you can enjoy whether you're practicing at home, performing live, or recording.

• All-tube mini combo amp
• Legendary Top Boost tone inherited from the VOX AC30
• Gain, Bass, Treble, and Master Volume controls
• 4 Watt Class A amplifier design
• 12AX7 preamp tubes (x2); EL84 power tube (x1)
• 12" Celestion VX12 speaker; retro Bakelite handle