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LP 150 Hand Held Cyclops Tambourine Schwarz

LP 150 Hand Held Cyclops Tambourine Schwarz
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LP 150 Hand Held Cyclops Tambourine Schwarz Tambourine

Latin Percussion 152 Hand Held Cyclops Tambourine

The LP Cyclops Tambourine is ergonomically designed for the ultimate in player comfort. Its unique, patented shape is designed to reduce stress on the hand and the wrist while the patented jingle pinning system ensures that the jingles stay in place.


  •  Ergonomically designed for the ultimate in player comfort

  •  Patented design reduces stress on hand and wrist

  •  Nickel plated steel jingles for a loud, cutting tone

  •  Patented pinning system ensures jingles stay in place

  •  Ultra-Comfort textured handle